The Greensboro Jewish Federation Cardozo Society and the Jewish Foundation of Greensboro Committee of Professional Advisors are invited to
Religious Liberty and the Supreme Court
Monday October 23, Noon – 1:30 p.m.
at the Federation Building
Featuring Guest Panelists:
Seth Cohen, Steve Friedland, and Dave Levine
Stanley Hammer, Moderator
The program will feature a panel addressing recent changes in the Supreme Court's view of religious liberty, traditionally protected by the First Amendment Establishment and Free Exercises clauses, and state and federal anti-discrimination laws.
Erwin Chermerinsky, UC Berkley Law School dean and leading constitutional law scholar recently observed:
The Roberts Court has has turned jurisprudence with regards to these Clauses exactly backwards and on its head. The Court is essentially reading the Establishment Clause out of the Constitution, obliterating any notion of separation of church and state. At the same time, the SupremeCourt is very aggressively protecting free exercise of religion.
Our panel will review recent Supreme Court decisions, including those addressing whether a state's anti-discrimination laws compel a website designer to create, contrary to her moral and religious beliefs, a wedding site for same sex couples, and to what extent an employer must accommodate an Evangelical Christian who refuses to work on Sunday.
All members of the legal profession, guests and current law school students are invited.
Application has been made to the Board of Continuing Legal Education of the NC State Bar for CLE credit.
Sponsor: The Greensboro Jewish Federation Cardozo Society and the Jewish Foundation of Greensboro Committee of Professional Advisors