Please join us for the Women’s Joint Opening Lunch
A gathering celebrating food, hope and remarkable stories
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Noon – 2 p.m.
at Beth David Synagogue
804 Winview Drive, Greensboro, NC
Author June Hersh, our featured guest speaker, will share her insights and moving stories that highlight the resilience of the human spirit through food as she presents recipes of timeless Jewish culinary classics and reveals the foods, restaurants and businesses that honor the Jewish immigrant experience in New York City.
• A Kosher Pareve Event
• $36/person, $18/JTriad
RSVP by Friday, September 6. Reservations are required. Seating is limited.
We cannot guarantee a spot for walk-ins on the day of the event.
Registration is Closed for this event. For questions contact Marsha Cross (336) 852-5433 x 233
June Hersh is a renowned cookbook author, food writer, and Jewish food archivist. A former teacher and businesswoman, she began her food writing career in 2004. Her work focuses on the connection between Jewish experiences and food memory, blending food history with a charitable mission—proceeds from her books benefit Jewish-related non-profit organizations.
“Discover untold stories such as why Eleanor Roosevelt was intrigued by the knish and how Jewish mobsters plotted in the back rooms of some of Gotham’s most famous restaurants.”
June’s expertise has led to features on radio, TV, in print, and at numerous book talks. Her notable works include Food, Hope & Resilience, Iconic New York Jewish Food, Recipes Remembered: A Celebration of Survival, The Kosher Carnivore, and Yoghurt: A Global History. Additionally, she served as editor and interviewer for Still Here: Inspiration from Survivors and Liberators.
Thank you to the planning committee:
Carly Adler, Alexa Horowitz, Sara Jacobs, Alicia Kaplan, Maryann Kingsmill, Hindy Plotkin, Susan Ross, and Anne Waranch
Thank you to our presenting sponsor Cone Health. Thank you also to Painted Plate Catering and the Florence Weinstein Jacobson Fund.
This event is a collaboration of Beth David Sisterhood, Temple Emanuel Sisterhood, Chabad of Greensboro, Greensboro-Winston Salem Hadassah, Jewish Family Services, Jewish Foundation of Greensboro, and Greensboro Jewish Federation.