- Advise potential Donors
- Provide standard documents and guidelines for fund agreements and legacy commitments
- Track legacy commitments: bequests, trusts, insurance
- Tribute gifts: recorded and cards mailed
- Work with Affiliate endowment development committee or assist with creating one
- Facilitate Create a Jewish Legacy initiative
- Develop legacy commitments
- Organizational objectives: Endowing programs such as Jewish Camp, Educational programming
- Ensure the continued growth and continuity of a specific program
- Perpetuate the Donor’s family name on a specific project
- Jewish Foundation establishes and monitors its Investment Policy
- Assets professionally managed by MV Financial
- Separation of custodian of assets from investment management
- Monitor Investments by Jewish Foundation of Greensboro Investment Committee
- Quarterly report from Investment Advisor
- Monitor cash flow
- Commingled investment pool
- Diversified asset allocation
- Economy of scale: administration of funds and more diversified investments
- Extensive research of investment options
- Regular visits and presentations
- Quarterly report issued to Donors who have established funds
- Individual holiday greetings to endowment Donors
- Counsel individual Donors regarding their funds
- Formal tax acknowledgment letter for contributions provided
- Compile Book of Life Donor stories
- Invitation to all Foundation events
- Consult with Affiliate on fund availability/cash flow from individual funds
- Advise Foundation Donor Advised Fund holders for Affiliate gifts
- Assist Affiliate on administration of special programming funds (scholarships, grants, etc.)
- Inclusion in Foundation marketing materials, e.g., annual report, letters, articles, donor education pieces
- Articles for Affiliate emails and publications provided
- Provide endowment marketing materials and ads
- Available for presentations to Affiliate Board, committees, parlor meetings
- Work with Affiliates on marketing letters to their Board and other prospects
- Professional fund accounting by PNC Bank
- Foundation can serve as Trustee
- PNC Trust department manages payments to Trust beneficiaries and files Trust tax return
- Reports for Affiliate with separate accounting for each individual Affiliate fund, including market value, running total of all contributions, grants, expenses, income/dividends and gain/loss
- Acceptance and documentation for stock gifts
- List of individual Donor contributions
- Each fund is classified by the Donor as a temporary or permanent fund in accordance with accounting guidelines
- Monitor and implement new and current legal and accounting regulations which apply to funds. Monitor all changes and implement any new procedures
- Recommend annual payout for endowment funds and calculate the 12-quarter average
- Monitor use of funds in accordance with accounting and legal guidelines
- Online Affiliate access to fund activity through DonorCentral
- Year-end Donor gift receipts in compliance with IRS regulations
- Yearly filing of Foundation IRS Form 990
- Annual Audit with Independent Auditors
- Work with Affiliate Auditors